Nuclear Evacuation Plan

In the event that the school must evacuate outside the ten (10) mile radius of the Cook Nuclear Plant, the St. Joseph Public Schools will use the following evacuation plan:

  1. A Berrien County Emergency Management official will notify the Superintendent that the schools must be evacuated.
  2. The Superintendent will notify all building Principals and the Transportation Supervisor who will immediately implement the "building evacuation plans".
  3. Parents will be notified of the location to be reunited with their student(s) in the event of an incident. Sign up for PowerSchool notifications and monitor local news stations for that information. 

Parents, you can help ensure a safe evacuation by adhering to the following:

  • Make sure all your child's emergency information is up to date.
  • Do not call the schools. Phone lines will be needed.
  • Do not go to the school (unless directed to do so).
  • Listen to local radio and TV stations for instructions.
  • Do not call 911.
  • Talk to your child about school emergency plans.
  • Have a family emergency preparedness plan.
  • Do not "panic" - school personnel are trained to handle emergencies.